My Memorable Excursion (field trips)โค๐Ÿ˜

A Moment to Remember ๐Ÿ’–

It was January 12, 2019 (Saturday) at exactly 8 o'clock in the morning when we had tour in Yogyakarta City. We went first at Malioboro Street, then in Sultan Palace, lastly in Water Castle (Tamansari). I was with my batch 7 co-sea teacher participants and buddies who were assigned at UII. It was sunny day and indeed so hot but I did not mind it. I just enjoying the beautiful view and every moment we had together. According to my buddies, these places are somehow famous in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. There were so many tourists also went there during that time. I really love the view that's why I always took selfies for my remembrance. Indeed, it is really a WONDERFUL JOGJAKARTA! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Malioboro Street

Malioboro is very known place and a famous street in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It is there where you can find many tourist attractions and souvenirs. You can buy there batik products like dress, wallet, jogja shirts, key chains, bags and everything for the very affordable price only.

Sultan Palace

Sultan Palace is known in Yogyakarta as the Keraton. Keraton is used for official functions, political meetings, and as the royal residence. According to the tourist guide, it is a hereditary title that dates back to the eighteenth century. The other great honor that stays in the family is to be a guard at the palace. It is not just royalty that passes on the job to the next generation, but also those who dedicate their lives to the royal protection.

Water Castle (Tamansari)

Water Castle or Tamansari is one of the famous places in Jogja. It is a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. It has multiple functions, such as a resting area, a workshop, a meditation area, a defense area, and a hiding place. Water castle consisted of four distinct areas: a large artificial lake with islands and pavilions located in the west, a bathing complex in the center, a complex of pavilions and pools in the south, and a smaller lake in the east. That's makes this castle a famous one.

Borobudur Temple

The Borobudur Temple is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, and was built in the 8th and 9th centuries AD during the reign of the Syailendra Dynasty. The monument is located in the Kedu Valley, in the southern part of Central Java, at the centre of the island of Java, Indonesia. The main temple is a stupa built in three tiers around a hill which was a natural centre: a pyramidal base with five concentric square terraces, the trunk of a cone with three circular platforms and, at the top, a monumental stupa. The walls and balustrades are decorated with fine low reliefs, covering a total surface area of 2,520 m2. Around the circular platforms are 72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha. (

Many people really wanted to visit this very big and beautiful temple but because it was quite far and expensive they don't have any chance to be in this place. I am very lucky and thankful to the UII family for bringing us sea teachers there for free. The first time I saw it, I was really amazed for it has very unique and jaw-dropping view . I really love this place, I enjoyed every single moment I went through despite of the hot weather. I will treasure this memories forever.

Merapi Volcano

This was last 13th day of January 2019 (Sunday) at 4 o'clock in the afternoon when we visited this place where Merapi volcano is visible. Before this, we went first at the Catholic Church to attend Sunday mass with my co-Christians. After attending the mass, we went now to this place. The place called "Kopi Klotok" it is also one of the famous restaurants in Jogjakarta where you can find and eat native foods and snacks. By the way, this was also my first time to see real volcano because I usually see it just on the picture only. Yes it is beautiful and good for tourist attraction. According to my buddies, Merapi volcano is the biggest and the most active volcano in Yogyakarta Indonesia. It is located between Central Java and Yogyakarta provinces.

NEXT POST: Farewell Ceremonies


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