My Self Report

1. School General Information and Academic Administration

1.1 School Profile

        A. School Data 2018/2019
                  School Name:                                  SD Muhammadiyah Pakem
                  Status:                                              Private 
                  Accreditation:                                  Accredited A 
                  SK Accreditation Number:              Dd.030060 
                  Address:  Jl Kaliurang Km 17.5 Tegalsari, Pakembinangun, Pakem Sleman 55582 
                  Phone:                                              (0274) 898 325 
                  NSS:                                                 102040210027 
                  NPSN:                                              20404585 
                  Date of Establishment Permit:         December 30, 2006 
                  Date of Establishment:                     July 14, 2003 
                  Land status:                                      Milik Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah 
                  No Certificate: 
                  No. SK Establishment:                     186 / KPTS / P / 2006 
                  Date of Decree Establishment:         December 01, 2006 
                  SK Maker Agency:                           Sleman District Education Office 
                  Land area:                                         6269 m2 
                  Building Size:                                   5018 m2  
      B. Principal Data
                  Name:                                                Rr. Afiati Fatimah, S.Pd 
                  Last education:                                  S1 
                  Place / date of birth:                          Sleman, 2 February 1973
                  NBM:                                                730 134B3

The purpose of national education according to Article 3 of Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System is to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become democratic and responsible citizens.

"Leading in achievement, exemplary in akhlakul karimah, skilled in innovation, independent, environmentally sound and disaster response"
The indicators for achieving this vision are:
            a. Increased academic and non-academic achievements in various competencies.
            b. Increased acquisition of student academic values.
            c. Realizing the quality of graduates who are smart and effective can compete to enter high school quality.
            d. Develop values ​​of religion, faith, and piety.
            e. Developing polite behavior, cultural love and noble character.
            f. Friendly and caring for the environment.
            g. Realizing disaster responsive human resources.
            h. Realizing school independence.

            a. Develop an adaptive and proactive curriculum.
            b. Realizing an effective and efficient learning process.
            c. Realizing smart, competitive and culture-loving alumni.
            d. Realizing human resources that have high ability and work ability based on faith and piety.
            e. Realizing relevant and up-to-date educational facilities and infrastructure.
            f. Realizing strong school management.
            g. Realizing adequate education costs.
            h. Realizing the standards for academic and non-academic achievement.

The aim is an effort to realize the vision and mission of SD Muhammadiyah Pakem.
     1. Long-term Goals of SD Muhammadiyah Pakem
     Schools set goals within the next 4 years 2018-2021 are as follows:
           a. Realizing the creation of a culture of literacy in the school environment.
           b. Realizing quality education services with competency methods.
           c. Realizing creative and innovative education services.
           d. Realizing quality management in accordance with the dynamics of education.
           e. Realizing quality human resources and cultural love.
           f. Realizing human resources capable of reading the Koran in tartil.
           g. Realizing human resources memorized at least one juz of the Koran.
           h. Optimizing other resources to support the achievement of school education goals.
           i. Realizing adequate teacher and employee welfare.
           j. Realizing school independence.

Education and Education Power
SD Muhammadiyah Pakem has professional educators and qualifications (scholars) to advance their students. In order to optimize students, SD Muhammadiyah Pakem also recruits professionals in their fields. Also supported by a program to improve the quality of Human Resources for educators. There are 37 teachers in SD Muhammadiyah Pakem including the principal.

Facilities and Easy
                ·     Comfortable, clean, beautiful environment and religious (Islamic) nuances.
                ·     Away from vehicle noise on the highway.
                ·     Buildings and classrooms that are conducive to learning.
               ·      Special funds / scholarships for students whose parents are economically disadvantaged & for students who excel.
                ·     Health Services / School Health Enterprises.
                ·     Development of talented students.
                ·     School cooperative.
                ·     Library space that is conducive to various kinds of books.
                ·     School laboratories are updated according to technological developments.

1.2 Academic Support System
SD Muhammadiyah Pakem has 18 classes in this Academic Year 2018-2019.

                                                    Grade 1
Class 1A, Class 1B, Class 1C
                                                    Grade 2
Class 2A, Class 2B, Class 2C
                                                    Grade 3
Class 3A, Class 3B, Class 3C
                                                    Grade 4
Class 4A, Class 4B, Class 4C
                                                    Grade 5
Class 5A, Class 5B, Class 5C
                                                    Grade 6
Class 6A, Class 6B, Class 6C

The school has computer laboratory with 24 computer units, library with plenty of books, 3 faculty rooms and 30 classrooms. There are also instructional media like LCD projector, laptop, printer, speaker and other visual aids to increase student’s level of interest and willingness to learn.

1.3 Teaching System

I handled one subject only which is English subject in grades 1 and 2 (3 sections per grade level). This is the school teaching system, in one school year there are two semesters, then every semester has 2 quarters. So, in the whole school year there will be 4 quarters starting from July up to June. There school days starts from Monday to Saturday probably 7:15 am to 2:00 pm but it depends also on their subject and class schedules because as what I have noticed other grade levels usually end their classes as early as 2:00 pm. But still the students as well as the teachers must come to school before 6:30 am because they have to pray first before the class will start. In terms of lecturing, mostly the teachers used deductive method as their teaching strategy. It is a teacher-centered strategy.

1.4 Material and Other Learning Sources

The school has a lot of learning sources such as books, computers, visual aids, pictures/charts and even educational videos but not all teachers used all of those because during my observation my critic teacher used books only. Each student has a book inside the classroom as their guide for learning. So, less integration of technology.

1.5 Measurement and Evaluation System

The teacher measures and evaluate the learning competencies of the students by having an assessment or activity like answering the worksheet every after class and summative test every semester. They have mid-term and final examination. Mid-term examination will be at the end of the first semester and final examination will be at the end of the second semester (last semester). Every teacher must have to report the progress of each student every quarter.

1.6 Curriculum

The curriculum structure of the Muhammadiyah Pakem Elementary School refers to the 2013 Curriculum Structure of the National Education Office and Muhammadiyah's Persyarikatan curriculum, the needs of students and schools. The curriculum of the foundation's peculiarities is based on the Decree of the Muhammadiyah Central and Secondary Education Board Number 98 / KEP / I.4 / F / 2017 concerning the Al-Islam Curriculum, Kemuhammadiyahan and Arabic Language (ISMUBA).

The education system in Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah has a main characteristic, which is taught the knowledge of Islam and Arabic, and in its development also taught the subjects of Kemuhammadiyahan. The three contents of this lesson, namely Al-Islam, Kemuhammadiyahan and Arabic are commonly called ISMUBA for Muhammadiyah schools and madrasas are special characteristics and excellence. Since its inception, Muhammadiyah Schools and Madrasas have been designed with an integrativeholistic modern Islamic education system, so as to produce graduates who master general science according to their level, and Islam, Kemuhammadiyahan and Arabic. The community values ​​and places great hopes on Muhammadiyah education precisely because of the special characteristics and advantages.

Starting from the 2018/2019 school year, Muhammadiyah Pakem Elementary School uses the 2013 Curriculum from the National Education Service and the 2017 ISMUBA curriculum for grades I through VI.

1.7 Teaching Plan (Of Your Major)

2. Pedagogical Contents

2.1 Teaching Methods

As what I have observed, the teacher used deductive method for the grades 1 and 2 wherein he started with the greetings, presentation of the subject matter, introduction of the topic, give more examples, practice and evaluation or assessment. This method is somehow effective to the learners especially in primary levels because they can comprehend the topic very well for it is teacher-centered and they need teacher’s supervision.

2.2 Learning Materials and Innovation

The teacher mostly used textbooks during the discussion for the students to have a guide because the contents of the topics and activities are already in the book. But there were times that the teacher used visual aids like pictures and videos in his English subject to be more visible to the students.

2.3 Sources of Learning and Technology used by the Teacher

Teachers are the major source of learning in school. They are the information provider, personality shaper and core values innovator. Aside from that, of course the books, visual aids, instructional media/technology like video clips and pictures and they have also computer laboratory for the students to browse in the internet like watching educational videos and searching relevant pictures.

2.4 Authentic Assessment used by the Teacher

During my observation, the teacher always provides an assessment for the learners every after-class discussion. For example, the topic is about food and beverages then the tasks are more on using students’ prior knowledge, familiarization that will be applied in the real-world setting like classifying whether it is food or beverages, identifying the particular names of the food and beverages, determining which is nutritious to unhealthy one and valuing the importance of it in our daily lives. The teacher used holistic rubric to evaluate the overall performance of the students.

3. Teaching Plan

3.1 Curriculum

The curriculum structure of the Muhammadiyah Pakem Elementary School refers to the 2013 Curriculum Structure of the National Education Office and Muhammadiyah’s Persyarikatan curriculum, the needs of students and schools. The curriculum of the foundation’s peculiarities is based on the Decree of the Muhammadiyah Central and Secondary Education Board Number 98 / KEP / I.4 / F / 2017 concerning the Al-Islam Curriculum, Kemuhammadiyahan and Arabic Language (ISMUBA).

The education system in Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah has a main characteristic, which is taught the knowledge of Islam and Arabic, and in its development also taught the subjects of Kemuhammadiyahan. The three contents of this lesson, namely Al-Islam, Kemuhammadiyahan and Arabic are commonly called ISMUBA for Muhammadiyah schools and madrasas are special characteristics and excellence. Since its inception, Muhammadiyah Schools and Madrasas have been designed with an integrativeholistic modern Islamic education system, so as to produce graduates who master general science according to their level, and Islam, Kemuhammadiyahan and Arabic. The community values ​​and places great hopes on Muhammadiyah education precisely because of the special characteristics and advantages.

Starting from the 2018/2019 school year, Muhammadiyah Pakem Elementary School uses the 2013 Curriculum from the National Education Service and the 2017 ISMUBA curriculum for grades I through VI.

3.2 Teaching Plan Related to your Major

This is my semi-detailed lesson plan in English 1 and 2. My critic teacher told me to follow the format in my home university (SPUS, SURIGAO CITY, PHILIPPINES).

             At the end of the lesson, the grade I pupils should be able to:
                  a. Define food and beverages.
                  b. Differentiate and Identify food and beverages.
                  c. Point out the importance of food and beverages in our daily life.
                  d. Draw at least 1 favorite food and beverage then apply some color to become attractive.

             Unit 7: FOOD AND BEVERAGES
             References: Easy English Learning for Elementary School Students Year 1 (page 85-102) ( (

    • Power Point Presentation
    • White board and marker
    • Pictures
    • Video clip
    • Paper
    • Pencil
    • Color
          VALUES: Appreciation, Cooperation and Preservation
          SKILLS: Creativity, Reading, Thinking and Communication skills
          STRATEGY: Inductive Methods

          A. Preliminary Activities
    • Greetings
    • Cleanliness of the classroom
    • Checking of attendance
    • Submission of assignments
    • Review (last lesson)
          B. Motivation
    • Action Song (I will let my pupils stand, sing and dance).
    • Scramble Words (The class will be divided into two groups. Then, I will give them scrambled words with pictures to arrange and let them guess the appropriate words based on the given pictures. Each item is equivalent to 2 points. The first team who can guess first the correct answer and get the highest points will be the winner).
    • Picture Analysis
    • Let the pupils guess the topic.
    • Ask pupils about their prior knowledge on food and beverages.
           Lesson Proper
    • Define food.
    • Present pictures of different foods.
    • Let them guess what’s the name of that specific food.
    • Let the pupils familiarize what is being presented.
    • Define beverages.
    • Give examples of different beverages.
    • Ask pupils to differentiate and identify food and beverages.
    • Ask pupils to point out the importance of food and beverages in our daily life.
    • Give further idea about the importance of the said topic.
    • Present a short video about the names of each food and beverages.
VI.    APPLICATION (Individual Activity)
                Direction: Give the names of these foods and beverages.

    • Ask the pupils on what they have learned about the topic being discussed.
    • Ask them to point out the importance of it.
    • Let them apply their learnings in the real-world setting.
       Direction: Draw at least 1 favorite food and beverage and apply some colors to be more attractive. (5 minutes only to do the task).


                                      Creativity/Application of color
          7 points
          3 points
         10 points

       At the end of the lesson, the grade II pupils should be able to:
               a. Define living room.
               b. Identify things they can see in the living room.
               c. Point out the importance of living room in our house.
               d. Fill in the blank correctly to complete the sentence.

      Unit 7: MY LIVING ROOM
      References: Easy English Learning for Elementary School Students Year II (page 91-102) ( (


    • Power Point Presentation
    • White board and marker
    • Pictures
    • Flash Cards
    • Video clip
    • Paper
    • Pencil
         VALUES: Appreciation, Cooperation and the essence of taking good care to everything.
         SKILLS: Listening, Reading, Thinking and Communication skills
         STRATEGY: Inductive Method

        A. Preliminary Activities
    • Greetings
    • Cleanliness of the classroom
    • Checking of attendance
    • Submission of assignments
    • Review (last lesson)
        B. Motivation
    •  Action Song (I will let my pupils stand, sing and dance).
    • Guessing Game  (The class will be divided into three (3) groups. Each group should be given five (5) pieces of bond paper and pen. There will be five (5) pictures to be presented then each team will guess the name of that specific picture and write it in the given paper. Every group should be given ten (10) seconds only to write and wait for the command to raise the answers. The team who can get the correct answer and will get the highest points will be the winner. Each item is equivalent to two (2) points). 
  • Picture Analysis
  • Let the pupils guess the topic.
  • Ask the pupils if they have living room in their house.
Lesson Proper 
  • Define living room.
  • Ask the pupils if they have living room inside their house.
  • Ask the pupils to identify things they can see in their living room.
  • Present pictures of living room.
  • Let them guess what’s the specific name of that thing.
  • Discuss how to construct a simple sentence using the word is, are, those, these, that and this.
  • Ask pupils to point out the importance of living room in our house and how they take good care of things in it.
  • Give further idea about the importance of the said topic.
  • Present a short video on how to maintain the living room clean and order.
VI.     APPLICATION (Individual Activity)
          Direction: Fill in the blank correctly to complete the sentence.

    • Ask the pupils about what have they learned about the topic being discussed.
    • Let them apply their learning in the real-world setting.
      Kindly familiarize the things that belong to the living room and study again about the construction of simple sentence.

        At the end of the lesson, the grade II pupils should be able to:
                a. Define living room.
                b. Identify things they can see in the living room.
                c. Point out the importance of living room in our house.
                d. Re-arrange the letters into the correct order.

         Unit 7: MY LIVING ROOM
          References: Easy English Learning for Elementary School Students Year II (page 91-102) ( (

  • Power point presentation
  • White board and marker
  • Pictures
  • Flash cards
  • Video clip
  • Speaker
  • Visual aid
      VALUES: Appreciation, Cooperation and the essence of taking good care to everything.
      SKILLS: Listening, Reading, Thinking and Communication skills
      STRATEGY: Inductive Method

          A. Preliminary Activities
    • Prayer
    • Cleanliness of the classroom
    • Checking of attendance
    • Submission of assignments
    • Review of the previous lesson
          B. Motivation
    • Action Song (I will let my pupils stand, sing and dance).
    • Guessing Game

(Each student should be given scrambled letters. There will be five (5) pictures then each group will guess the name of that specific picture. Then, they are going to answer by arranging the given scrambled letters. If they are done, just say “finish” or “sudah”.

  • Picture Analysis
  • Let the pupils guess the topic.
  • Ask the pupils if they have living room inside their house.
Lesson Proper
  • Define living room.
  • Ask the pupils if they have living room inside their house.
  • Ask the pupils to identify things they can see in their living room.
  • Present pictures of living room.
  • Let them guess what’s the specific name of that thing.
  • Give more examples of things they can see in their living room.
  • Discuss how to construct a simple sentence using the word is, are, those, these, that and this.
  • Ask pupils to point out the importance of living room in our house and how they take good care of things in it.
  • Give further idea about the importance of the said topic.
  • Present a short video on how to maintain the living room clean and order.
VI.     APPLICATION (Individual Activity)
          Direction: Re-arrange these letters into the correct order.

    • Ask the pupils about what have they learned about the topic being discussed.
    • Let them apply their learnings in the real-world setting.
            Kindly familiarize the things that belong to the living room and study again about the construction of simple sentence.

4. Teaching Practice

4.1 Procedures of Teaching

My procedures in teaching is quite similar with the Indonesian teaching procedures. This is my usual preliminary procedures when I teach. I started the class with a prayer, greetings, then checked the classroom if it is organized, followed by checking of attendance, asking the students about their health conditions, reviewing previous lesson, and motivation like having an action song and educational games for them to get energize and awake during the class discussion and so on and so forth. But then again, I am here in the other country in Indonesia, I made some adjustments like starting the class with the greetings, then introducing myself, followed by asking their health conditions and having some motivations like action song by following the dance steps that was flashed on the screen projector and educational games that is related to the topic by simply playing it fun with learning. After the motivation was the class discussion, it’s time now to assess their prior knowledge. I asked first what they have noticed about the games and how it is related to the topic. Then, let them guess what will be the topic that we are going to talk about, followed by discussion or lesson proper. I introduced first the topic, then I asked them a question if they have prior knowledge about the topic. Next, I gave the definition and examples. Asked students about importance of it in our daily living and I gave pre-assessment or practice to ensure their understanding. Followed by generalization or summary of the topic. Lastly, the evaluation and application part. In checking of their assessment, I let them volunteer to answer on the board for self-improvement. I sometimes gave assignment for their further understanding.

4.2 Time Management and Organizing Activities

Actually, my critic teacher told me that one topic is good for two weeks and indeed it is quite boring in both sides for the teacher and the students because the time is too long but I agree for the betterment of the students, to ensure the effectiveness and for their mastery of the topic. The time allocation each day is 1 hour and 10 minutes. From greetings to motivation (action song and games) just 10 minutes, 40 minutes for the discussion, 10 minutes for more practice and the remaining 10 minutes is for the activity part/application and other stuff.

4.3 Problem-Solving

The only problem I had encountered throughout my teaching experienced was the language/communication between me and my students because they can’t really understand and speak English even the basic or simple words. So, all I did was I translated almost everything word by word in Bahasa Indonesia to have a good interaction during the teaching-learning process. In my power point presentation, I used English then I put word by word translation below for them to understand well the content. Good thing we had Bahasa class for 2 days before we had our class observation and practice teaching so I’ve learned some basic words and conversation of Bahasa. Every time I talked to my pupils even outside the class, I used Bahasa also even just the basic one and I can understand them little by little but just the simple words. The more I talk to the students using Bahasa, the more I learn. Of course, I also teach them how to speak English and I introduced the basic and simple English terminologies for their further learning and future use.

4.4 Classroom Management

Classroom management is very important in the classroom setting for the teachers to keep their students away from any distractions and maintain their concentration. So in my case, I managed my class by setting daily rules and regulations like keeping the classroom environment always clean and order, reminding them to be polite, responsible and punctual, pay attention and be active during the class discussion, I always praised them or give them some rewards and I did not allow them to eat snacks during the teaching-learning process. When it comes to my lesson, I provided interesting activities and used more engaging teaching strategies like conducting educational games and energizer to keep them awake in the whole class. Lastly, I kept on motivating them to increase their level of interest in learning. One thing that I never wanted to do is to punish or hurt my students physically and emotionally because I don't like seeing them feel down or crying because of me. Let us be a good role model as always. A well-managed and a well-disciplined class would make the classroom environment conducive for learning.

5. Summary and Suggestions

5.1 Purposes of Practicum
   The following are the purposes of practicum:
  • To practice ourselves teaching in the real-world setting.
  • For practical experience where student-teacher can impart knowledge and skills to the students in the actual field.
  • To enhance skills in teaching especially the communication and meta-cognitive skills.
  • To activate ourselves in the different school environment.
  • To gain new knowledge and discoveries about the different culture, religion and tradition.
  • To learn the different teaching strategies in the other country and how they teach.
  • To gain new experience like socializing with other people and understanding their culture.
  • To develop self-esteem and increase the level of confidence in facing the crowd especially in the field of teaching.
  • Lastly, to become globally competitive, well-prepared and productive student-teachers in the near future.
5.2 Procedures of Practicum

For this internship, I prepared first my financial budget, passport, medications, all important documents and of course my well-prepared and courageous self. These were the activities during our first (1st) week in Indonesia: welcoming program at UII, campus tour with buddies, orientation and explanation about the do’s and don’ts, and Yogyakarta City tour in Sultan Palace and Malioboro Street. On our second (2nd) week: BIPA/Bahasa Class for 2 days, school visitation in SD Muhammadiyah Pakem, meeting with the Principal, faculty and staff and the students, school tour with Miss. Fitri, meeting with the supervisor and cooperating teacher and discussing about the practice teaching matters, and classroom observation for 2 days. Saturday and Sunday were our free time, I maximized it by preparing my lesson plans, instructional materials, and my presentations. On the third (3rd) week: was our official practice teaching in SD Muhammadiyah Pakem, interacting with the students, imparting knowledge, sharing new experiences and vice versa, having fun teaching with my students, socializing with the faculty and staff and started collecting new memories. On our week ends: we attended graduation ceremony of our buddy at UII and we went to Borobudur Temple with buddies. Afterwards, the same routine again preparing my lesson plan, instructional materials and presentation. On our last week (4th week), still practice teaching and our final teaching demonstration evaluated by my critic teacher and supervisor. Lastly, the farewell party at SD Muhammadiyah Pakem and Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) together with the teachers, students, sea teacher supervisors and coordinators, buddies and UII rector.

5.3 Outcomes of Practicum
  • I would become more competent and productive in the field of teaching.
  • I am more confident in delivering the lesson and engaging with the students and teachers.
  • I gained new learnings and experiences that is applicable in the real-world setting.
  • I developed and enhanced my English communication skills.
  • I was able to expand my understanding in different culture, tradition and religion.
  • Lastly, I’ve learned the basic Bahasa Indonesia.
5.4 The Challenges of Practicum

There was only one problem I had encountered throughout my internship in SD Muhammadiyah Pakem, Yogyakarta Indonesia (my practicum school) only the language/communication barrier because my students couldn't speak and understand English even just the basic or simple words. So, it was really challenging for me as a foreign teacher because I only knew very basic Bahasa Indonesia and how could I build a more interactive classroom environment if we could not understand with each other? but for that experienced I've learned something. I put translations to all my instructions even my power point presentation for them to understand and interact in class. Fortunately, it was very effective that's why every time I had my teaching demonstration I used English with Bahasa Indonesia translation to make our day productive.

5.5 Overall Impression

SEAMEO/SEA TEACHER is indeed a very good and useful project for it enhances students’ ability to communicate and socialize with the people in different culture and religion, improve English literacy skills, develop teaching skills, it will boost self-esteem & confidence and such a great opportunity to teach, share, explore and learn. Hopefully, this project would last forever and could continuously encourage other students to participate for it helps improving and developing all areas of learning. Furthermore, it could also practice new knowledge and skills to prepare oneself in the teaching profession because I truly believe that this project will drive us to excellence and this will be the starting point toward success. Besides, this would be the pathway to become a successful productive teacher in the near future. I am hopeful that other students would feel the same experiences and exposure in Southeast Asia. “LEADING THROUGH LEARNING” a simple quote by SEAMEO which enlightened me to keep on learning and teaching and will provide us to strive for excellence.

5.6 Suggestions for Future Improvement

I would suggest that if possible, all education students who are interested should be given the chance to join in this program for them to be able to feel the same experiences and exposure. Not only limited for 10 students per school/university but for all to gain new knowledge, skills, teaching strategies & methods, experiences and for self-improvement as well because I believe that this project would be beneficial for all of us to maintain the better quality of education and to develop literacy skills in English.

NEXT POST: The Beginning


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