Universitas Islam Indonesia💖
Day 1: January 10, 2019 (Thursday)
University Tour 💖😍
This was our first day in Jogja. It was 8 o’clock in the morning when we had campus tour at Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta Indonesia with my friends from Surigao City, Philippines and buddies (Ardan, Vanny, and Mutiara). During this day, just the 3 of us (me, Kate and May) among the participants had an opportunity to roamed around the campus since we were the first participants who arrived in Indonesia. I can’t imagine that I am here now in Indonesia stepping and standing in front of UII Campus. Honestly, this was my first time to travel in abroad that’s why I am very thankful for being part of this program because without this I may not here and not able to meet my Indonesian and Thai friends. Indeed, UII is a big university with its beautiful building structure and the people in it. They are friendly, hospitable, generous and caring. I like them the way they interact and socialize with us foreigners.
Day 2 January 11, 2019 (Friday)
UII Welcoming Program
UII family prepared a warm welcome ceremony for all the participants of SEAMEO, the batch 7 SEA Exchange Student-Teachers. It was 11th day of January 2019 around 9 o’clock in the morning when we attended the program with the UII rector, coordinator, supervisors, faculty, guests and buddies. There were 8 participants from Philippines and 4 from Thailand. I was excited on this day but quite nervous for I was thinking so many stuffs. I sighed and said “This is it, I am now on my journey towards my dreams just keep fighting and let my confidence prevails”. All of us introduced ourselves in front followed by their speeches and giving of plaque. In the last part of the program, it was more on getting to know each other, shaking hands, etc.
The 8 Filipino participants
Day 5 January 14, 2019 (Monday)
1st Day of Bahasa Indonesia Class
It was 14th day of January 2019 at 4 o’clock in the morning when I woke up early because of this activity. This was the first day of BIPA/Bahasa Class for all the SEAMEO participants who were assigned at Universitas Islam Indonesia with our morning mentor Bu Amy. They conducted this activity for us to learn something since we are in the other country and to have another weapon the moment, we start our practice teaching because according to them, most of the students and teachers can hardly understand and speak English that’s why I was very excited during this time for I could learn again new language which is Bahasa Indonesia. The class started at 9:30 am to 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm for the afternoon at UII Campus so just 2 and a half hours only but for that short time duration I’ve learned so many things. For that morning session, we talked about random things but just the basic terms only that we can use in our practice teaching like how to introduce ourselves using Bahasa Indonesia, the numbers, the daily conversations and she also presented to us the tourist spots and transportation in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Based on the pictures being presented, I can conclude that Indonesia is a beautiful country.
Then, after the class we took our lunch and rested for a moment waiting for the 2nd session. At exactly 1:00 pm we started again the BIPA class with our afternoon mentor Bu Ima. We talked about how to go shopping, how to buy things in store, how to buy foods in the market, and she also presented the Indonesian money and the basic sanitation in Bahasa Indonesia. It is quite hard to learn the language because of the terminology that is hard to pronounce but if you apply that in your daily interaction like what I did you can learn it easily. I really enjoyed and had fun learning the language.
Day 6 January 15, 2019 (Tuesday)
2nd Day of Bahasa Indonesia Class
This was the 2nd day of BIPA/Bahasa Class for the batch 7 SEA Teachers with the same venue, time and mentors in the morning and afternoon sessions. On the morning session, Bu Ami discussed about the proper used of words or the “polite words” for us to show some respect whenever we can encounter elders. This time was funnier than on the first day because it was more on doing in a practical situation like a role play or just more on application. We also played a game using kahoot, it is a tool used as educational technology in the classroom to administer quizzes, discussions and surveys. It is a game-based classroom response system played by the whole class. Multiple Choice questions are projected on the screen and we answer the questions using our phones or laptop. This game is very nice where students become more active in class. I am grateful to Bu Ami for introducing this application to us because it is very applicable in the field of teaching.
On the afternoon (the last session of BIPA Class), Bu
Ima discussed about the Bahasa name of things we can see inside the school and
in the classroom. The same thing, we did the activities in the form of role
play to be more fun and enjoyable. In our 2 days of BIPA Class, I’ve learned a
lot of things and I already applied those learnings during my internship and
stay in Indonesia. My deep gratitude to the people behind this program for I
successfully made things well.
NEXT POST: My Journey in SD Muhammadiyah Pakem
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